The Flower Guide

The Flower Guide - Dahlia Moonfire
Everyone needs some kind of flowers guide to make the most of their gardens, especially those who do not have time to garden every day. Flower gardening is all about the senses with color display. So what we plant and when?
The buzz seems to be gardening planting annuals or perennials. Some of these flowers give us textures, shapes and heights, while others just go crazy bloom throughout the season. Here is a basic guide flower for these two types of flowers that will help you design a spectacular bathroom color to your garden.
Annual Flower Guide:
Make every annual growth in one season. Seeds germinate in the spring, the plants bloom and grow throughout the season, and then die. You will have to plant each season, but the result is an instant color.
Also, if you make a mistake in your design with color or size, the bad effect will only last one year. Annual produce an infinite range of colors and sizes, and most are easy to plant and grow. They can be used for solid, cut the borders, in rock gardens, in mixed beds, containers and hanging baskets.
In fact, most of the year is great for the weekend gardener because they are versatile and not too demanding. For its glorious color, annuals are very cheap. You can begin within seedlings, or buy bedding plants from your nursery or garden center. Most annuals bloom during most of the growing season.
Here is a list of some of the major annual flowers that are easy to grow, colorful and spectacular show is worth every matching palette to the floor: 
Begonia - Grows 6 to 12 inches tall. Flowers are white, pink, red, rose and scarlet. 
Tricolor Chrysanthemum - Grows 2 to 3 feet. Flowers are white, yellow, gold, red, or maroon, with contrasting color bands on the base of the petals. (This chrysanthemum is different from the perennial chrysanthemum called the "garden mum"). 
Dahlia - Grows 1 to 6 feet. Flowers are every color except blue and green. 
Geranium - Grows up to 2 feet. Flowers are white, pink, scarlet, orangish-red, red, and salmon. 
Impatiens - Grows to 1½ feet. Flowers are white, pink, rose, scarlet, violet, salmon, and orange. 
Marigold - Grows 6 inches to 4 feet. Flowers are yellow, gold, orange white, near red, and mahogany. 
Zinnia - Grows 6 to 36 inches. Flowers are all colors except blue. 
Perennial Flower Guide: 
Basically, perennial plants live more than one growing season, year after year, return. When finished flowering perennials, foliage provides wonderful background texture, shape and color of your garden.
Perennial flowers can bloom for a short period of time and at certain times of the growing season. This makes it harder to plant only a limited number of perennial gardens and still get the desired effect of constant color. For this reason, the mixture of perennials annual flowers is the key to a beautiful garden continuous color.
Leave some favorite flowers always offering great color and depth to any garden, and grow everywhere:
Butterfly Weed - Shoot 1 ½ to 3 feet. The flowers are bright orange (great for attracting butterflies!) With nice sheaths covering the ground once flowering ends. Blooms all summer.
Chrysanthemum or “mum Garden" - Grows 1-4 feet. Flowers are all colors but blue Flowers in autumn.
Daylily - Grows 1 ½ to 3 ½ feet. Flowers are all colors except blue and white.
Flowers from late spring to autumn:
Felicia - Grows 1-2 feet are blue flowers- petals with yellow centers. Bloom early summer through fall.
Hosta - grows up to 3 feet. The flowers are white, lavender or pale purple, often with colorful foliage.
Flowers summer to autumn.
Peony - grows 2-4 feet flowers are white , pink, brown or red.
Flowers from late spring to early summer:
Shasta Daisy - Grows 1-4 feet. The flowers have white petals usually with a yellow center. Blooms all summer.  
With a little experience and planning, you can create a flower garden that blooms from one end to the other, from spring through fall. Bring together a few of these annual and perennial flowers for a wonderful mixed garden.

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