length definition can be applied to many substances, including
amphetamines, heroin, cocaine, nicotine, caffeine, and ... fast food. Research shows that the effects of fast food on the brain are similar to what happens with narcotics. The
dependence is not so strong and the social consequences are not so bad,
but addiction is real to you and have terrible consequences for our
health and wellbeing.
Many of us know someone who has started to unhealthy weight gain and signs of chronic fatigue and physical alertness feed. That person would have received a word of warning the doctor, but is still unable to stop eating fast food. The person may give a shot and fail, maybe give him some more shots and fail again, and eventually give up.
This person will probably end up obese, delirium with the metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes. Never at any time was the same person able to summon the will to stop eating fast food. This is due to the effects of fast food include causing neurochemical addiction in the brain.
Effects of fast food on the brain:
things that are often found in fast foods are sugar and wheat, both of
which appear to be key players in the development of the epidemic
diseases of civilization. Studies
show how the actual investigation of these foods cause changes in brain
chemistry, involving neurotransmitter receptors of opioids and
When sugar is fed to rats, their brains undergo neurochemical and behavioral changes that are similar to the use of narcotics. These changes are specifically opiate receptors and dopamine in a brain region called the nucleus accumbens.
study in rats found that the negative regulation of dopamine receptors
correlates with the development of obesity, and this is similar to what
happens with reward homeostasis addicted to heroin and cocaine. Rats things like chocolate, cheese and ate meringue.
Wheat gluten proteins form of opioid peptides in the digestive tract:
peptides are short amino acid sequences that are able to cross the
blood - brain barrier and cause stimulation of opioid receptors in the
brain. Substances
that we know can do both are heroin and morphine, with natural peptides
such as endorphins that we release automatically after exercise.
show that wheat gluten can contribute to the development of
schizophrenia and autism in susceptible individuals, but it is a known
fact that gluten proteins can be degenerate intestinal mucosa of the
body. These peptides are believed to be able to enter the bloodstream through the mechanism.