The Harvard School of Public Health conducted a randomized clinical trial
consisting of 811 participants enrolled in various programs to lose
weight for a period of 2 years. The survey confirmed the hypothesis that diets reduce calories lead to weight loss. Dr.
Frank Sacks, professor of cardiovascular disease prevention and the
author of the head of the research confirms that "it is important
information for physicians, dieticians and adults who need to focus on
weight loss approaches
to reducing calorie intake. " the study appears in the edition of
February 26, 2009, New England Journal of Medicine. The National Institutes of Health funded the research.
addition, the results are reflected reflected in the methods of weight
loss that I learned from the best weight loss program fitness. As research participants regime has lost 28 pounds in 7 months of employment of cutting calories to lose weight. I will share with you few secrets of weight loss based on research and prescription diet better physical condition.
- Weight loss safest week total is 2 kg (1 lb). There are 3500 calories in 2 pounds of body fat. So to lose 2 pounds of body fat, you just have to create a deficit of 500 calories per day. If you do the math, this is equivalent to 3500 calories, or two pounds per week. This can be achieved with a loss of weight of a combination of diet and exercise.
- Therefore, to lose weight safely you need to cut 500 calories a day from your diet. The best way to do this is to 250 calories from your diet and another 250 calories through cardio exercise.
- I recommend you avoid replacing meals with diet pills to lose weight. Instead, eat about 1500 calories per day of good clean food in your table. You should focus on lean protein sources like chicken, fish and egg whites. Not white like brown rice, whole wheat pasta starch, bread and potatoes are a good starting point. In short, if you clean your diet to lose weight.
- Also, I recommend you go to the doctor and get a physical. After that, you should start a program of light exercise. Compared to only focus on your diet, you will get the best results from weight loss to get a good cardio program too. Find create the deficit 250 calories during cardio exercise easy to maintain. Just keep active to begin with.
- Also, the best way to manage all of your calories come is to keep a food diary. It is very important to monitor your nutritional intake. This allows you to keep a detailed account of everything that comes in the register of the mouth. Be aware of your eating habits is a great motivational tool.