There are two reasons why it is so important to eat breakfast. First, it sets the tempo for the rest of the day. If you
start off with a healthy meal, then it's a lot easier to have healthy
meals later in the day.. Second, it gets your metabolism going.
When you've just woken up, you've gone at least 8 hours without food.
Your body is in starvation mode and hordes all the energy it has. Eating
a healthy meal gets your body out of starvation mode and into calorie
burning mode.
Unfortunately, many people eat unhealthy foods for breakfast or omissions really complete. This is a bad idea. No matter how busy you are in the morning, you should take the time to prepare and eat a good nutritious meal.
I'll give you five
staples of healthy breakfasts base you 'll love . No matter how long you have to prepare in the morning, and no matter
what your taste buds react to, I promise you that you will like at least one of
these staples. They all varieties and combinations are almost endless, so it should keep you busy for a long time.
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 1 : Eggs :
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 1 : Eggs :
Eggs are absolutely, positively amazing for you. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods in the world, regardless of your health goals, you should eat.
Some people are turned off by counting high fat and cholesterol of whole eggs. While the egg whites are certainly healthy, contains most of the yoke Egg Nutrition. Do not be afraid to eat whole eggs - no one had a heart attack because they ate too many eggs !
There are all kinds of ways to prepare
eggs. You can scramble them, cook them over easy, poach them, or even
hard boil them and store enough of them to last you the entire week.
Because eggs have a neutral taste, you can experiment with different
For example, if you sprinkle a little lemon juice and parsley, with a mean Eastern flavor. If the olive oil, garlic and basil is added , then it will an Italian flavor. If you have always wanted to learn how to cook ethnic food, there 's no better place to do it than on eggs !
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 2 : Oatmeal :
Oatmeal is a great food for weight loss. On the one hand, is full of fiber, which give you that "full" feeling more. In addition, the oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate, which means it
takes more time for the body to be treated and stored as fat.
Replace simple carbohydrates like white bread, complex carbohydrates,
such as oats, is one of the main changes you should make to your diet
to maintain a healthy weight.
What makes special oatmeal is that, like eggs, can create all kinds of neat tasting meal out of it. Try mixing with apples and cinnamon, or play with peanut butter and blueberries. The possibilities are endless !
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 3 : Greek yogurt :
Now, when I say that yogurt is a great food for breakfast, I 'm not
talking about those in supermarkets are loaded with sugar.
The absolute best type of yogurt you can eat is Greek yogurt : it is loaded with protein and no sugar. It actually taste a little bland, so you may want to taste a little ...
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 4 : Berries :
Earlier, I said how important it is to avoid simple carbohydrates like sugar. Well, it's a bit simplistic because there are actually some sugars
that are actually good for you, such as those found in fruits.
In particular, the berries are absolutely phenomenal for you. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries ... so you can get your hands on. They require no preparation and are supplied with everything else on this list.
Healthy Breakfast Foods # 5 : Green Tea :
When it comes to drinks, stay away from juice that you buy in the store. Most of this material is just concentrated sugar that will not do much for you.
Many people drink coffee, which is good. There have been many studies on coffee, and has no negative long-term effect on you.
That said, if you want a good kick and serious health benefits, look no further than green tea. The profile of green tea as a "miracle" drink grows every year, and the hype is real. It is full of antioxidants and can help you wake up and focus your mind.
Try adding it to your early morning routine, along with
the other staples that we've talked about in this article.
Enjoy & Bon Appetit