belly fat is one of the biggest physical challenges men and women face
today, I can say that you can lose belly fat quickly and easily. The
reason of excess fat around the belly area has very little to do with
the lack of a proper diet, or the amount of crunches you did or how
many carbs you ate, has everything to do with a change in the production
fat can be a soul destroying personal challenge and is responsible for
many health risks with loss of libido, fatigue, depression, hot
flashes, and it comes down to a change in hormone production. Of course, a little fat, but it is necessary because without it we freeze on a very cold day. But excess belly fat is not good for you.
No matter what your own personal goals are : anxiety, aging or just puppy fat. Of course, eating too much can make you fat. Every time we win 5 to 7 pounds, which is in our stomach shows. And when we try to take these books, which is where you are ... Cutting down on our cardio or weight will just add inches around the body so it is not desirable.
Male body fat
tends to concentrate around the belly area, chest and face, and even
though they often refer to it as "beer belly" - it doesn't really have
much to do with beer, only for the fact that beer is used as a catalyst
for gaining weight.
Women's body fat, tends to
concentrate on the hips, bum and thighs but as women get older the
estrogen levels also decline, so they start putting on weight around the
belly area, just the way males do.
Why is it that we start to
form belly fat around the age of 30? It's in fact anywhere between the
ages of 30 and 55. And it is all down to hormonal dominance, namely
estrogen, in both men and women. Yes you heard right, in men as well.
Why is it that we begin to form belly fat around 30 years? Actually, it is anywhere between the ages of 30 and 55. And it's right in the hormonal dominance, namely estrogen in men and women. Yes, you heard right, men also.
we age, our hormone production begins to shift and our estrogen levels
can become dominant, then our bodies are not able to use fat reserves
for energy efficient, which means that our metabolic rate, the rate at we burn calories, is compromised. The end result is that excess fat is more difficult to move, even with reduced food intake and exercise more.
Therefore, how to lose belly fat fast ? The answer lies in a diet designed to reduce estrogen levels and restore hormonal balance while increasing metabolism rate. Start to include the following foods designed to direct the reduction of belly fat in your diet every day:
- Cruciferous Vegetables: consume large amounts of these "belly flatters": broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, radish, turnip and beet root.
- Insoluble Fiber: these can help bring about hormonal balance causing you to burn fat around the belly quicker.They include: whole-wheat bread, barley, couscous, brown rice, whole-grain cereal, seeds, cucumber, tomatoes and wheat bran.
- Citrus Fruits: these include lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines and oranges. You will lose weight a lot faster if you eat large amounts of these fruits.
a diet designed to lose belly fat, thigh fat and fat ass I recommend
Shifting Diet Calories. This is the first weight loss regime followed By many people which kept them 100% happy all the time. It is designed for ose than 9 pounds every 11 days. Most people, not stick with a diet because you get cravings between meals. However, the difference with this diet is you do not get serious hunger pains . It's pretty amazing because you start to see results as fast as you want to continue.