Weight Loss Research

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* A study of thirty published in the American Journal of Urology reported that weight loss and exercise can reverse impotence without medical intervention. Research suggests that nearly a third of men with impotence can be reversed by changing their behavior and are dedicated to weight loss, exercise and stress reduction activities.
* Researchers at Laval University Faculty of Medicine in Quebec, Canada found that taking supplements of calcium and vitamin D in a program of weight loss reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and helps reduce the cholesterol.
* Diet and exercise have the same results for weight loss. According to a study by a team of researchers from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, dieting alone is as effective in reducing weight and fat, as long as the calories you consume and burn are equal. However, a study of the American University in St. Louis found that although both diet and exercise helps lose weight, do not exercise those suffering from muscle loss.
* Lack of sleep is linked to weight gain. A study of more than 2,000 U.S. children between 3 and 12 years showed that children who slept less tended to weigh more and sleeping less. Lack of sleep has also been associated with increased weight in adults, too.
* Weight loss improves heart function in people who are obese. A study by the University of Queensland in Australia has shown that people who are obese can reverse some early heart and blood vessel dysfunction by adopting a healthy lifestyle and lose weight.
* The support of others is important to stick to a weight loss plan. Recent studies have shown that people who diet or exercise with a partner or a group tend to be more successful in losing weight and keeping off those trying to do it alone.
* According to an Australian study, exercise using high intensity sprints work can help you lose three times the weight of people who maintain a level of regular training.
* Weight loss reduces the risk of cancer. An international team of scientists has discovered that women who carry a gene for breast cancer can reduce their risk of the disease by losing weight or lose weight.
* Grapefruit can help obese people lose weight, according to researchers from the U.S., Also found that adding grapefruit to your diet can also protect against diabetes.
* Studies in the UK and Australia have shown that you can improve fitness without weight loss that you can gain muscle and lose fat through exercise.

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