For many people, exercise alone was not all that they needed. The question was still in the back of their mind - how many calories should I eat to lose weight? So I had to find a quality weight losing program to supplement exercise routines. This meant you had to get back to your original dilemma, how do you know which one to choose?
It has been noticed that, one number of fat-stored in your body is about
250 calories. Your daily intake will determine how fast you can lose that
weight. Reducing your daily calorie intake, from 1,000 to 500 will help you
increase the number of fat you burn daily from about 2,480 to about 4,960.
Calculation will prove that 6 ounces of fat that you can expect to lose per day,
will be as a result of 1,000 calorie intake. High protein diet foods has been
proved better than carbohydrates. High protein diet foods, speed up the rate of
your weight loss. It makes you lose weight faster because of the action of protein that causes 100
calories of it to lay the lash on your metabolism so that 130-140 calories are
burned with fat and carbohydrate. So therefore, high protein diet foods are
essential to be applied to enable you lose that weight faster and easier. Given
the fact that, losing 6 ounces per day on a 1,000 calorie diet will take you
about 2 months before you can be satisfied. But, most of us find it so difficult
to maintain that standard of consistency. Most of us feel relent the first week
we start having a better result, and we return back to our formal daily
calories-intake. This may result in additional weight and will make you ever
feel of your fat worries evermore. Take this as a guide or advise as it will
help you to be consistent with your daily calories intake. I must say, there are
countless subtle factors that prevents your own rate of reduction. Well, if you
discover this, don't be frightened or disturbed because it is usual sometimes.
But be sure you are able to calculate your daily calories intake, to enable you
draw plans of reducing it. I understand that you are in a motion of getting fast
results, it is a normal natural desire which happens to everyone wishing to lose
weight. Satisfaction cannot be met sometimes when we are in a hurry to get quick
result. Be patient to follow your daily calculations and with due observations,
it might take couple of weeks or few months before you get a better result.
Considering the fact that no one can tell the actual figure or amount of pounds
you can lose daily, not even a physician can predict to you. Reduction of daily
amount of calories intake had been proved as the best way to get perfect result
to your weight loss. Actual figures cannot be given, but calculations can be a
good help. The best way to do this is by knowing the actual amount of daily
calories-intake. At the moment you start noticing reduction in your weight, you
have to work further in reducing your daily amount of calories intake. To be
sincere, there are factors that will hinder you from reducing your daily
calories-intake. One of them is that, you may feel hungry most times, if this
occur, you are advised to spread that amount of calories and take in little
every time you gets hungry. Although, only few patience had complained of
hungry, yet so many people lose a reasonable amount of pounds in just a couple
of months. A good help will be high protein diets foods, there is no need to
restrict water intake; salt is another thing you do not need to eliminate from
the diet-unless there is water retention. This will help reduce your weight fast
and safely, as there are many symptoms occurrence. These symptoms will disappear
as many patience had experienced disappearance of skin blemishes, headaches,
slight dizziness in just few days. Some patience experienced blood pressure
reduction and menstrual disturbances disappeared. Some patience on a very
low-calorie diets observed that pep and energy were increased in a period of one
week. It has been a good advise to many patience that, as soon as you gets to
your normal idea weight the diet should be discontinued immediately. Your diet
should be followed safely as you will have to listen to your doctor's consent
before adopting it. Caution must be taken as there are physical condition you
may observed due to weight reduction. Be wise and be among the wise as many
people don't follow a perfect reduction program safely. But be informed that,
there is every chance for you to be among those who adhere and follow a good
diet safely.