Build a nutritionally healthy home is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure the welfare of your child. to begin, make sensible food choices, and help your child to produce a constructive relationship with balanced meals. Your kids will understand
their meals smarts from your example.
1 . Do not label foods as "good " or "bad." Instead, connect to the foods your child is concerned, such as sports, academics and recreation. Help
your child lean protein, such as poultry and calcium in dairy products
give strength to their sports and academic performance, the
antioxidants in fruits and vegetables add luster to the hair and skin
and carbohydrates in whole grains will be given the strength to play.
2 . In no case used food as an incentive. This can create difficulties in body weight after existence. Instead, reward your children with something physical as well as entertainment
- maybe a trip to the park or maybe a quick game of catch.
3 . Healthy dishes praise. Give your children a proud smile and let them know what we are wise when choosing healthy foods. Children progress with constructive reinforcement !
4 . Do not harass about unhealthy choices. If your child chooses unhealthy foods sometimes ignore. However, if your child always wants fatty, fried food, redirect the choice. You might try roasting potato sticks in the oven (released in a little oil ) instead of buying french fries. Or if your child wants candy, you can do almost fresh strawberries drizzled with a little chocolate sauce. So busy? In this case, keep dry naturally sweet at home for quick snacks fruit. With continuous effort taste buds change and soon your child will be craving healthy ingredients.
5 . Keep foods healthy practices. Children eat what is readily available. Keep fruit in a bowl on the counter, not hidden inside the crisper of your refrigerator. Remember
that your child is able to choose only foods stored in the house, by
limiting ' junk food ' that, by default, train your child to make
healthier food choices.
6 . Do not ban foods. Limit
foods the possibility that their child may develop eating disorders
such as anorexia and bulimia, or later in life arises. Also you can have a very negative effect on growth and development. In addition, foods that limit actually improve the likelihood of overeating later day that will cause weight gain.
7 . Washing dishes in the kitchen. Here, you can put the nutritious parts of each item on the plate around the world. Your children will learn to identify the portions are adequate. Too often, people go for the second and third only because the food is there. You might find that you need less food to feel really full !
8 . Giving young people a little control. Ask your children to take three bites of each food on your plate and give it a score, such as A, B, C, D or F. When balanced diet - especially certain vegetables- get high marks, providing more regularly. Give your small items dislike more. Allow your children to participate in decisions. After all, food is a family affair !
9 . Sit home dinner night. If this is not a tradition in your family, it should be. Studies
have shown that children who eat at the table with their parents have
better nutrition and are less likely to be in serious problems as
teenagers. Start with one night a week, and then work up to three or four, to gradually common habit.
10 . Consult your pediatrician. Often, talking with your child 's doctor before going to his little diet
plan, trying to help your child gain weight, or make significant
changes in the type of food your child eats. In any case, the diagnosis of your child overweight or too thin by itself. If weight change is recommended to seek the help of a dietitian.